Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why Why Why

November 9, 2008
It’s the end of the school year. We’ve got a week of review then exams for about 2 weeks. The learners have been unbearable. Bri sent me a text telling me about how unmanageable hers were being- we decided it must be something in the sour milk. It feels like they’ve regressed back to first term- I’m bombarded with “borrow me”s instead of “may I borrow”. The lack of interest in doing their best work and the cramming instead of studying makes me (and other volunteer educators) wonder what’s the point. Let’s just start exams now and get it over with, the extra time is just dragging out the inevitable. I’m finding now that even some of the more clever learners are only doing the minimum required as well. Instead of excitement for break and adrenaline for this last bit of learning this time is just excruciating for all involved. It makes a volunteer think ‘why am I here’ and ‘what have I done’ as we stare into the face of the education issue and struggle to see the improvements made in this last year. (Bri and I were lamenting all of this last night, so others are feeling it too.)
As I was laying in bed, before blowing out my lantern, I picked up ‘Praying the Names of Jesus’ and pondered his role as servant and through the page the Lord spoke to my heart loud and clear…
"It didn't matter whether God gave me a large role or a tiny one; I could still have impact if I could learn to do one thing- to love people in whatever circumstance I find myself. Why? Because love lasts. Because love never fails...Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes. Love never gives up. God is love. Love, in fact is the hardest, most powerful thing in the world. Whether driving a child to school, leading a church, cleaning a bathroom, heading up a multinational corporation, or washing feet, love is the secret to making a lasting impact."

Go on and marinate on that for a minute...or selah as they say.

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