Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gotta Gotta Get to Otjimanangombe

February 8, 2009

B: Uhm am still at Post 10, thanks to Katjaimo and your transport driver not going all the way to Post 8 tonight. Am at side of road now. Supposedly a transport from Windhoek may come at like 1am. ARRGGGH

C: Yeah it’s the bus we took out that time. It’d be awesome to see you. You could aim for the bus but if you miss it that’s fine. We’ll just go through another week and hope our heads don’t explode from all we need to say to someone who understands…English ;)

B: Ok, will wait a bit more out here and if no ride then I’ll aim for the bus.

C: Ok honey, be careful…don’t get run over by any meandering cows. TIML %) (This Is My Life)

B: It’s 2am and no bus…I think it’s a bust for tonight. I may try to hike in the AM. Sleep well.

She did hike in the morning and got a great ride with someone who would also take her back on Sunday. I know it sounds like a lot to go through to see a friend but imagine only getting to decompress with the people who support and understand you about twice a month.

B: Hey deary, made it back in 30 minutes! It was SO GREAT to see you! Thank you so much for the great meals, and especially sharing your rice and mango. At least I am some how recharged for this week. Oh and dude did offer to take us to and from town anytime, for whatever that’s worth. Have a good night and hope you have a great week :)

C: Wow! A good ride makes a world of difference. I’m sure this offer of rides is the beginning of your courtship and I’m going to encourage it as need arises. Oh of course, I share everything with you. It was wonderful to see you too. I also feel refreshed and ready to make the most of this week. See you again soon.

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