Monday, October 27, 2008

Lunch Is Served

October 15, 2008

I was standing in my classroom waiting for grade 6 to solve a math problem. I looked out the window and saw a man carrying a huge leg of cow across the way and to my way. Yuck. It was naked cow too, not covered in any way. When I went home it was laying in the mouth of the deep freezer waiting to be hacked up. I decided to snap a picture of this interesting sight.
Later in the day my host mom asked me why I took a pic and why I didn’t ask her before taking it. I explained that you just don’t see sights like that in big cities. Then wondered should I have asked you first? Yes, because it is my food that I will eat and you are complaining about it.
(Actually I didn’t complain about it. I thought it was funny. My complaint is the stomach churning smell of the meat being boiled and the blood curdling into a dark sauce. And if I ever used that nasty dish rag for anything my complaint would be that is was used to wipe down the freezer where the carcass had been, then replaced on the sink for further use.)

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