Friday, May 23, 2008

No Agua

Readjusting to life in Namibia was unexpected. I was unable to prepare for it. But that 2nd term slump hit me hard and it's only the end of the 2nd week.
My first weekend back in the village, the water went off for the weekend. Somehow when these things happen and I'm by myself (which I am on the weekends because my host family goes to their farm) they seem so much bigger.
It would have been no big deal if I had been warned on Friday, I could have easily filled some pots with water. Instead I didn't bathe for 2 days and used water sparingly. Oh and my host dad took the containers of drinking water to refill them.
I just felt like the walls were closing in.
I took a deep breath. I prayed. I went for a run. I made it to Monday morning and running water once again.

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